Job interview update

I met with the recruiter this morning. We had a good interview! The best part is the job is with the company I thought it was, but a totally different listing. It would be M-F, 8-5, and possibly part time!  That would be the holy grail of jobs for me! And no phlebotomy! My current job is 5:30-4:00, some weekends, and part time. This new place would be a trade up. The recruiter is going to send my resume to the company and see if they want to interview me. I’m just nervous I won’t have enough experience for them. But we’ll see. I’ve been working in labs for 15 years, but only 2 of those years in clinical.

Right now I’m sitting in the parking lot of a clinic for a drug screen waiting for the urge to go lol. I had a Starbucks a couple of hours ago, but it’s not really hitting me. Maybe because I’m too nervous and excited? Want to get this over with. They close from 12-1 for lunch, so I’d better get a move on!


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